How to find your calling in social impact
Getting started in the complex world of social change means first understanding our own unique set of skills and values and how you can best apply yourself to work that not only interests you but that you can make maximum impact in. The big question to start with is, what is my calling in social impact?

Busting Social Change Myths
The world of social change is surrounded by many exaggerated stories and common misconceptions about how everything works and how change really happens. In this section, we investigate four of the most common myths about social impact, and help you to get a clearer picture of what this work actually looks like.

Design Jam: The Power of Design to Strengthen Local Communities
Earlier this month we had the pleasure of once more running our flagship design bootcamp, Design Jam. Over two big days, our participants took on the ambitious challenge of using the design thinking skills and tools they were learning to create solutions for real social impact problems.

Don’t Be a Heropreneur
While the heropreneur narrative is an alluring one, it’s crucial for social innovators to keep their focus on the real goal of making progress on big social issues for the good of people and planet. The real heroes in social impact are the unsung ones: the people striving together to solve the biggest problems in the world!

How to prototype your career as a social innovator
Becoming a social innovator doesn’t have to require the huge leap we often think it does. Social innovators exist in all kinds of organisations, from governments and big corporations through to small businesses and freelancers.